Saturday, July 9, 2011


My intention upon creating this blog was to begin with my most recent trip, then go all the way back to my very first trip abroad and work my way forward from there. However, life gets in the way. The distance between intention and completion is a long and windy road in my world. Possibly the main factor in my inability to follow through with said planned course of action is that trips keep happening, taking me farther and farther from "The Beginning," leaving me with that much more catching up to do. "Well, gee, I just keep taking all these fun trips in the present that get in the way of me recording the many fun trips of the past," is both an EXTREMELY OBNOXIOUS and completely unacceptable excuse. There is also the fact that many past trips took place before the onset of digital cameras, also an unacceptable excuse; but, let's face it, stories are more fun with pictures!

NO MORE EXCUSES! If at first you don't succeed, lower your expectations!

So my new plan is: JUST POST.

Expect no order. One post may be a trip I took last week. The next may be a trip I took a decade ago. If you read my first three posts you already know: Plans are useless in my world! Why fight it? goes...

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